Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sorry Sorry Sorry!

Christmas can really take it out of you. All the shopping and wrapping and driving - and doing that with two kids is just silly. It takes 2 hours to get 20 minutes of shopping done and then no one is happy. But it's over and we survived AND we had a great holiday. So here are the pictures.

Heading to North Carolina. I finally cut her bangs. They were driving me crazy!

Uh mom, can we open presents now?

Making faces at the cat, Taffi. Whenever Stella got upset, her Uncle Chris would ask her where the cat was. Then he'd pick her up and they'd go look for Taffi. The whole time Stella would just make meowing sounds. It was so sweet.

Getting a ride on his new fire truck from cousin Matt. Aaron was screaming and giggling at the same time. He was so excited!

And then absolutely exhausted well before nap time. He'd had too much fun that morning so his Aunt Millie plopped him in the beanbag chair. He looks comfy no?

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Mama V said...

Does Aaron's shirt say "I'm Santa's Coolest Gift"??

Around Christmastime I told Lucas that he was my favorite present ever. He replied, "Mama, I didn't come in a box! I came from your tummy!" Now he says to me that I'm his favorite present sometimes before I say goodnight and close his bedroom door.
