Monday, June 2, 2008

North Carolina!

We spent the weekend with my brother and sister in law and their two boys in Winston-Salem. The last time we subjected the babies to a trip this long was at Christmas and they handled it beautifully. They were also only 4 months old and slept most of the time. This time they were a little crankier about being confined to their carseats and it didn't help that it was hot. Oddly, the most difficult part of a trip like this is the inevitable stop to change diapers. Because this world is so wacky, most men's bathrooms don't have changing tables so that means I get to go to the ladies room in three round trips. I have to take in, change and return to dad each baby then go back in myself so I can use it. Of course when he holds both babies in a public place, women of all ages can't help but talk to him. It is pretty darn cute.

So we drove up through South Carolina (waving to Ms. Margaret as we passed Seneca!!!) and on to North Carolina and finally we were there. The boys came out to meet us but we knew they were really there to see their cousins. Nothing entertains a baby like an older kid and vice versa. Aaron and Stella just love their cousins and Matt and Will are so sweet with them.

We ate brats and BBQ and just hung out on the porch and enjoyed the sunshine and good company. The worst part was leaving and having to drive all the way back home...with no excitement to meet us on the other end.

Aaron chillin with his homies

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