Monday, February 23, 2009


I don't have a caption for this. I am frankly amazed they were happy to pause long enough for the picture...and be happy about it. David was pushing them around the house so they were loving life at that moment. Both pants-less and breathing out of their mouths because they are both so snotty. I'm sure stella's shirt is wet from her brother's drooling. I do love how he's holding onto her shoulder. He does that a lot.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

See Aaron you push this button and the car starts. We don't need mom's help at all. We'll take it for a spin and she'll never know.

Ok I think we both have to grab a wheel. You work the brake. Shhhh, we have to be quiet.

Oh hey mom. I didn't see you standing there. What are we doing? Nothing!

Hey Stella...she see's us. Stella? Stella? Uh oh, I'm slipping.

Hey mom. Us? Nothing...just sitting here. Smile Aaron. Try to look innocent!

I can't...I'm...slipping.

I'm out of here dude. You're on your own.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Stella hates having her hair fussed with. I don't want to cut it but she refuses to let me put clips in it or comb it into a pony tail. Until this week.

She's distracted by Sesame Street. I don't think she knows what I've done.

What the...

The party is officially over.

Then she took them out.

Maybe I should have started futzing with her hair when she was younger. She'll let me clip her finger and toenails but she wants nothing to do with a comb or brush. Sigh...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lazy Sunday

The weather was so beautiful on Sunday that we had to take the kids to the park. Rather than hang in our neighborhood we took the babes to Piedmont park.

A Stella action shot. Midtown is visible behind is David.

That fella is happy to be in the sun.

No mom, you hand me the granola bar and I'll give you a piece.

Look at all my teeth!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Major Attitude

If he were older, I'd want to date him.

Rub a Dub


Stella has become quite the stair climber. For some reason she likes to pause for a few kicks between stairs.

Hey mom, you wanna see some of my moves?

Warming up. You don't want to pull a muscle.


She wanted me to note the full extension of the leg. I just hope she's not prepping to take Aaron out.