Friday, November 7, 2008

Halloween pictures

The Aaron puppy. Yes, he is standing unassisted. He didn't mind the costume at all but whenever Stella saw him, she'd pull off his ears and tail.

The Stella piglet. We just let her wear this around the house because it is hilarious.

Leaving our first house. Stella had no idea what was going on. Frankly, she was more interested in the decorations in the front yards than in the candy.

Stella's new favorite thing in the world is pumpkins. If you ask her where the pumpkins are she'll look till she finds one. And she makes all the appreciative noises which makes us laugh every time.

Here Stella is hanging onto Natalie's skirt. There was a treasure chest on the ground and this skeleton would emerge and then the lid would slam back down. The first time it happened, Stella jumped. When it happened again she grabbed Natalie's skirt. When it happened the third time she made Natalie pick her up. It was funny and kinda sad at the same time.

I think Aaron sees the skeleton in the chest now. You can't tell from the pictures but the owner of this tiny house went with a full pirate theme this year. She had an entire ship in her yard with a giant inflatable squid in it that she made from plastic table cloths. She had an entire graveyard, a row boat with talking skeletons a skeleton jail, skeleton flamingos, tons of crows tied into the trees, blinking lights, etc. This lady takes a week off of work to put it all up and it is amazing. Parents drive their kids over from other neighborhoods just to see her yard. She said she regularly gets 200+ kids every year.

And then Stella was all done. Goodnight!


Mama V said...

Oh yay, and we get pictures of you and Barney this time, too!


Ireney said...

i love that i can watch them grow up this way

Jessa said...

Stella looks ready to bust out a kartwheel - which wouldn't surprise me one bit!