Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween Weekend

We got things started with a new pumpkin and some pumpkin socks.

Then the cousins came in town. Matt and Will are the perfect age to entertain 2 year olds. The boys were so sweet to their cousins.

Here Stella is getting her hair styled by Matthew.

Now she's getting some gameboy tips from cousin Will.

The boys reading "Oh Dear" to Aaron.

Aaron trying out his tough guy batman face. But it was all for naught. He started feeling badly the day before so by the time it was ready to trick or treat Aaron was not happy. Plus it was really rainy and we didn't want to make him worse. We let him stay home with his grandparents who I hear took lots of pictures of him.

All the outdoor pictures we took Halloween night are awful because of the weather but trust me when I say we had fun. Stella is having a hard time letting go of this holiday. Luckily all the Christmas stuff is already out (this makes me crazy) so she can go from pumpkin lights straight to Christmas ones.

Goodbye Halloween!

1 comment:

Ireney said...

SO CUTE. I can't get enough pictures of them... :)