Thursday, December 20, 2007

4 month check up

The babies had their doctors appointment yesterday for their 4 month check up which, of course, meant another round of shots. They got the same four they got at the two month check up which meant lots of screaming and lots of tears. The babies cried too.

They were weighed before all the shootin' up and it has finally happened: Aaron is now bigger than Stella. He weighs 15 lbs 5 oz. I was blown away and slightly horrified. The nurse put him on the scale with his diaper on and I was hoping that thing weighed at least half a pound. No dice. Stella came in at 14 lbs 13 oz. They are firmly in the 50-75th percentile in weight, height, and head size so no worries.

Aaron did have a delayed reaction to the shots and was inconsolable for about 2 hours last night. He kept looking at me as if to say, "How could you let this happen"? I felt terrible. He did finally settle down after much rocking and snuggling. Of course Stella was a rock. She's so like her mother.

I still can't find my camera so here's a picture I took of the babes in their Christmas outfits.

1 comment:

Ireney said...

I am seriously in love with your kids. Thanks for sending the picture Christmas card! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!