Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So i took Stella with me to the grocery store yesterday. Since it's impossible to push a stroller and shop, I just trussed her up to me facing out in one of those fabric slings. I know I'm her mom but I just think she's the cutest thing ever. Apparently everyone in the grocery store felt the same way as I got stopped in pretty much every aisle with remarks like, "she's so cute" and "awwwww, how sweet". I put her in a hoodie so she was looking mighty Inuit. I mean, look at those cheeks and that rosy face. She's so adorable I want to eat her.


Caffeine Free said...

She looks just like you!

Mama V said...

Me, too!

Ireney said...

i can't wait to meet both of them! I'll come pre-fed... :)

Laura M. Cheifetz said...

She is ridiculously cute. So's her brother. You make awesome babies.