Monday, February 25, 2008


Sorry we've been MIA but the Barnharts have been in The Big Easy. David had to get some backup footage/interviews so we all went with him. The grandparents were kind enough to join us so the babies and I could have fun while daddy worked.

I know this may come as a shock to most of you but the French Quarted was not designed with children in strollers in mind. Why that didn't occur to me I haven't the foggiest idea. It's not like I haven't been there a million times.

We did have fun though - I hadn't realized how much I missed Cafe du Monde. Beignets...mmmmmm. I could have them every day.

Here's one picture. I'll load the rest when we get back from the 6 month appointment today. More shots...poor babies.

Oh, and Aaron decided that Wednesday night was a great time to sprout a tooth. I'll post a picture as soon as he lets me take one! Stella's is not far behind - i can see it just below the surface of her gums.

Making eyes at each other in the hotel

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