Monday, May 19, 2008

Nine Months!

I told the babies that they were nine months old today and this is the look they gave me.

I guess they couldn't generate any enthusiasm for the day because they got to spend it at the pediatrician's. It was just a well visit so no shots. It wasn't Aaron's favorite and he especially didn't like the doctor looking in his ears or mouth. But we did get to see that the little guy is about to get yet another top tooth which will bring his total up to 5. Stella still just has the bottom two but one is about to erupt on top as well. AND she crawled for the first time on Saturday and we got it on tape.

Aaron is firmly in the 50th percentile in height and weight at 20 lbs 3 oz and 28.5 inches long. Stella is between the 50th and 75th percentile at 19 lbs 8 oz and 28.5 inches. I think the nurse may have measured Stella a little long because I'm pretty sure she's shorter than her brother. Aaron, however, remains in the 90th percentile for head size. Dude has a giant noggin. It's all the thinking he does.

Stella flirted shamelessly with her doctor. She smiled and laughed at him. She even tried to trade him her giraffe for his stethescope. So I guess she's trading in her dreams of being a Zoologist to become a Doctor?


Ireney said...

YAY! happy nine months to the two cutie patooties! :) GREAT PIC!

Mama V said...

Uh oh, let the babyproofing begin! Life is really going to change for you guys now with a creepy crawler in the house!

Congrats to the proud parents for making such beautiful 9-month olds! They're amazing!