Monday, August 25, 2008

sorry so long

It has been a busy busy couple of weeks for us so I'll just say that that is why I haven't written in a bit.

The babies had their 1 year check up the day after their birthday. Unfortunately it wasn't a happy visit since they had to get shots. They were scheduled for 4 shots plus a finger stick to get their creatinine levels. I felt a little queasy about them getting the MMR and the Varicella vaccine (chicken pox) at the same time so we're going to hold off on the varicella for a few months. And if you don't have kids, this is the kind of crap you get to worry about when you do. Look forward to it!

Aaron is 22 lbs 6 oz and his head is STILL huge (95th percentile). They marked them both at 30.5 inches but if you've ever tried to measure a toddlers length then you will know how this is not an exact science. Stella weighed in at 22 lbs 2 oz and her head is still average size (50th percentile). I was surprised to see that Aaron not only has that one new tooth coming in on the bottom, he's got one coming in on the opposite side as well AND he has two molars coming in. The inside of his mouth is a swollen mess but he's generally a pretty happy dude. Stella is a firecracker as usual and every day she's more and more confident walking without assistance. She prefers that to crawling now. It is adorable.

They handled the stress of the shots about at well as expected. I do fear that Stella is going to be very wary of going back to the doctor in a couple of months. She's got a pretty good memory and I think she's going to know exactly what happens in that building.

We spent this last week celebrating their birthday and seeing family. The great grandparents were in town as was David's brother, Jim and his wife, Elizabeth. Jim hasn't seen the babies since they were born but Auntie Elizabeth had never met them. She's a pro with babies and by the time they left yesterday Aaron was in love. He was even reaching for her while I held him. Oh boy.

In this picture you can see how thrilled Aaron is when we told him he could go back to Zambia with his Uncle and Aunt. Little booger.

And here is Ms. Stella looking like a big girl walking with her grandpa. She's even wearing a hair clip. I could just cry.


Mama V said...

Great pics!

Those babes just get more and more beautiful.

Ireney said...

aigo, how fast they grow!!