Thursday, October 2, 2008

Stella and her lovey

The babies wouldn't take pacifiers & they don't suck their thumbs so I just worried that they didn't have any comfort objects...besides me. Stella got this lovey before she was born and I always left it in her crib but she didn't seem to take notice of it. I started giving it to her when she was out of the crib and we called it her 'baby' and now she takes it everywhere. Luckily they sell them as a pair and a spare so this decision won't come back to bite me in the ass when she loses one. Aaron has a dog and Stella has the frog. If you ask for a kiss, she'll even hold it up to your face so you can have one.

1 comment:

Ireney said...

she should total be a baby model for this product...hee hee... :)