Sunday, March 15, 2009

Not sure if we should be worried...

Stella is more than happy to go upstairs for her naps. Even if she's not seemingly sleepy or if she's dog tired she's more than happy to have you take her up. She has a lot of babies these days - original baby (her frog), a kitty (named...kitty), a baby dressed as a lamb (no name) and a teddy bear (it's actually Aaron's - they gave it to him at the hospital when he got his MRI. Stella let him hold it...once). We put all of them in the bed with her and when we go up to get her after her nap, we usually see this.

She jams all her babies between the wall and her crib. I don't get it. Maybe she likes to look at them as she's falling asleep? Kitty never gets this treatment but I don't know if it's because kitty is her favorite or because kitty is too unwieldy to do that to. Stella continues to be a mystery.

1 comment:

Margaret said...

What a wonderful imagination .. maybe!
If only we could get inside their heads .. what surprises would await us!