Monday, March 30, 2009

Trips and Birthday's

We spent the weekend in Florida celebrating David's grandpa's 90th birthday.

Aaron is delighted with the hotel shower curtain and being able to wrap himself in it. Again, he is giggling like a mad man.

Hey mom, it was me the whole time!

Stella playing the piano with Colby. He's the grandchild of Stella's gma's sister. It think that makes them cousins? He is a sweetheart!!

The birthday boy! Aaron's middle name is Augustus after this man here. PopPop is the coolest 90 year old I've ever known.

I'm pretty sure Big Gus is pinching Little Gus on the cheek.

It was a great weekend. And really, how many 90th birthday parties does one get to attend? PopPop is a wonderful man and I'm just thrilled the babies actually get to see him. Happy Birthday!!!


Ireney said...

awww, AWESOME! also, stella looks like she could be a professional pianist one day... just saying...

Mama V said...

Stella's shoes and blouse... little girls' clothes are the cutest!!