Thursday, April 30, 2009

Check up

We had our 18 month well-check (at 20 months...oops) and here are the stats:

This strapping young lad is 24 lbs 3 oz and 34 inches long. He's such a big dude that he didn't even cry when he got a shot. That's my boy.

And this princess is 24 lbs 4 oz and 33 inches tall. She blubbered like a girl when she got her shot. I don't think she cried because it hurt, it was more the anticipation. She clearly remembered what happened last time because the moment we put her on the table to be measured, she started yelling "all done, all done". She was not a fan of the entire process.

But they are both healthy so no complaints from mom!!

1 comment:

Mama V said...

I'm pretty sure I've never brought my boys for a well-visit on time. Double oops! ;)

Hurray for healthy kids!