Sunday, May 31, 2009

Potty time!

It has been a LONG couple of days but if I start whining about that I may never stop. Instead I can tell you about the ramp up to potty training...for Stella at least. We have the potty - I just haven't tried to show her what to do with it yet. Mostly because once I start I know I have to keep going and frankly, right now I have no more extra energy to give.

She will tell us when she has to poop (and sometimes after she just pooped) and we've been praising her for dropping (dropping...ha ha) that bit of information but that's about it. Tonight after I gave the babes their baths, I let the water out and took Aaron out of the tub to dry off and dress. Stella was still in the now empty tub. She started saying poop, I ignored her and you guessed it, she pooped in the tub. BUT I know she's a genius because she:

1) Waited till I let the water out

2) Waited till her brother was out

3) Didn't try to play with it. Instead she kept saying, "dirty, dirty, ewww, ewww" and trying to climb out of the tub.

I'd just shown her a (really stupid) potty video and I guess she took it to heart...without actually USING the potty.

It's the little victories right? And yes I've done you all a favor by not having taken a picture of all this. Instead you can have this pic.

It's what all the genius kids are wearing these days.


Ireney said...

LOL! AWESOME! Way to go Stella! :)

Jessa said...

I'm so impressed! Eli is OB-livious! Although he doesn't want me to ever use the potty without him. Good times.